Friday, April 18, 2008

April 9 Renovation Update

A ton of progress since the last post as the weather has finally gone above the minimum 10 degrees Celcius required to paint. I painted the first coat of POR15 on the keel. Reading the warnings on this product made me worried:

"HUMAN EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE:Inhalation of MDI vapors or aerosols in concentrations above 0.02 ppm can produce irritation of the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, running nose, sore throat, productive cough and a reduction of lung function. Extensive exposures to concentrations well above the TLV could lead to bronchitis, bronchial spasm and pulmonary edema. These effects are usually reversible. However, due to low vola tility, high exposures are not anticipated except if the material is overheated or sprayed as an aerosol into the air. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis has also been reported. Another type of response is hyperreactivity or hypersensitization. Persons with a preexisting unspecific bronchial hyperreactivity or persons with a specific isocyanate hype rsensitivity (as a result of previous repeated overexposure or a single large dosage)will respond to small isocyanate concentrations at levels well below the TLV of 0.02 ppm. Symptoms could be immediate or delayed and include chest tightness, respiratory distress or asthmatic attack. "

Also apparently im suposed to have an eyewash shower and deluge present when I apply the paint. I'm fresh out of deluge showers though.

So geared up with a respirator and googles and hand to elbow gloves, I applied the POR15 to the keel and it worked perfectly. Sealed the raw iron to a smooth hard finish.

Next I rolled on the first coat of gray Interprotect Epoxy 2000. This one seemed to smell even worse and both Jon and Mike came by the tell me the parking lot reaked of the vapours. Apparently my mask worked, or I was too stoned from the fumes to know better. I hope it worked. Only 5 more coats of Interprotect, but I'm switching to white.

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